
Kosciol pod wezwaniem Najswietszego Serca Jezusowego (Jesus’ Holy Heart Church) in Bukowina Tatrzanska.

The church was finished in 1887 after a dozen years or so of construction work as it was built by just one man – Jedrzej Kramarz, a highlander from Bukowina. This self-educated builder was at the same time the architect and the contractor: he designed the church by himself, produced bricks and did the work of a bricklayer, a carpenter and a blacksmith. Finally, he sculpted the figures of saints to decorate the interior of the church and made the altars. Now the figures can be seen at the church entrance.


Church in Bialka Tatrzanska.

The wooden church in Bialka Tatrzanska was built about year 1700 by Jedrzej Topor and Jan Chlipalski. It was built in an old traditional way called "na zrab" in which wooden logs are put alternately to form walls. The church was built in the east-west direction with a shingle roof. The tower has a protruding ice-apron and pyramid cupola. It is furnished in baroque and baroque-classicistic styles. The church has a concrete fence with well preserved gates built in XVIIIth and XIXth centuries. It remains in the shade of lime trees – monuments of nature. In the 1920s the church was renovated. Now it also holds a small set of old farming and household tools.


Kosciol pod wezwaniem Sw. Sebastiana (Saint Sebastian Church) in Jurgow

It was built in the XVIIth century in an old traditional way called "na zrab" in which wooden logs are put alternately to form walls. It stands in the east-west direction surrounded by the concrete fence with a gate built in the late XVIIIth and early XIXth centuries. The walls are covered with shingle as well as the roof which has a spirelet for signature and a bulb cupola. The free-standing brick bell tower was built in 1811. Its bells date back to 1699 and 1785.

The church holds the famous XVIIIth century wooden sculpture of devil defeated by Saint Michael the Archangel. The church in Bialka Tatrzanska.


Historic "Zagroda Soltysow w Jurgowie" (The Soltys farmhouse in Jurgow)

It is an example of a poor farmhouse of Spisz region at the turn of the century. The rooms are situated in “enfilade” which means they are in a sequence, linked with doors. The main entrance, which is on the side of the building, leads to the vestibule, where farming tools and utensils were stored. The door from the vestibule leads to the kitchen ("izbecka") with a stove, shelves, benches and other furniture. The door from the kitchen leads to the chamber (“izba”) with a stove, benches, beds and a table, which was the main furniture of this room. The door of “izba” leads to a larder where food and clothes were stored. The windows of all the rooms are directed eastward; only "izba" has an additional window to the west for the purpose of watching the farmyard.

The farmhouse, built in 1861, is now a branch of the Tatra Museum.

It is open from Wednesday to Sunday from 10 am to 2 pm.


Zagroda Korkoszow (The Korkosz farmhouse) in Czarna Gora

It presents architecture and folk culture of Spisz region. The layout of the buildings is an example of development of a Spisz farmhouse: from a simple two-building farmhouse (a cottage and a stable) in the late XIX century, to a multi-building one which was completed in the period between the First and Second World Wars. Construction work was started by Alojzy Chyzny, who used the money that he had earned in America to build additional “Big chamber” with a larder. His daughter Elzbieta and her husband Sebastian Korkosz continued improvements. They added a stone stable, a cart-shed and a pigsty. The first treadmill in the village was installed in the old stable. The 1940s witnessed the last stage of expansion – addition of the “summer” or “guest” chamber with a separate entrance through the porch.
In 1950s the Korkosz family went to live permanently in Slovakia. In 1980 Sebastian Korkosz’s descendants donated the farmhouse to the Treasury of Poland requesting that a Spisz museum be set up there. After conservation and repairs, the Tatra Museum organized in the interiors an ethnographic exhibition of a rich Spisz farmhouse.

The Korkosz farmhouse is a branch of the Tatra Museum.

It is open from Wednesday to Sunday from 10 am to 2 pm.


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