Where are the Tatras situated?

Majority of people asked this seemingly simple question will consider it to be rhetorical. In fact, do the visitors know that the substantial part of the mountains, including the entire High Tatras, lies in Brzegi, precisely at the village of Brzegi, commune of Bukowina Tatrzańska? It is here that Rysy, Orla Perć, Dolina Pięciu Stawów Polskich (Valley of the Five Polish Tarns), Morskie oko (Eye of the Sea), Great Wołoszyn or the waterfall Wielka Siklawa are located.

Morskie oko, reached by 800 thousand tourists annually, is the most numerously visited natural landmark in Poland.

The network of hiking trails in the mountainous part of the commune has the length of 45 km. Covering this distance takes 60 hours of brisk march.

Recommended trails:

  • from Wodogrzmoty to Dolina Pięciu Stawów Polskich – 5 hours
  • from Morskie Oko to the peak of Rysy – 7 hours
  • from Morskie Oko via Świstówka to Dolina Pięciu Stawów Polskich – 6 hours
  • from Morskie Oko to Dolinka za Mnichem – 5 hours
Morskie Oko, Mięguszowieckie Szczyty, Mnich
(photo: S. Pytel)

While hiking in the Tatras, one should remember that the area holds the status of a National Park and is protected by law. As hikers almost always encounter numerous representatives of the animal world, REMEMBER:

  • Do not feed the animals
  • Do not litter
  • Do not make noise – a dense network of tourist trails causes that your raised voice is heard by animals even in the remote areas distant from the trail. Remember you are at their home, where animals give birth and raise their young, needing much peace like people.
  • Do not kill – at the National Park, you are surrounded by exceptionally rare species. Lack of knowledge oftentimes leads to plucking protected plants and killing rare insects, e.g. butterflies.
  • Do not stray from the trail – taking a shortcut may end up in trampling a bird’s nest hidden in high grass.
  • Avoid fire – all around you, there is plenty of flammable material. There is no escape from the middle of a burning forest.
Dolina Pięciu Stawów Polskich
(photo: S. Pytel)

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Where are the Tatras situated?

Hiking in the Tatras - security rules

The Tatras – Bukowina Tatrzanska Commune – tourist trails

Morskie Oko (Marine Eye Lake)

Dolina Pieciu Stawow Polskich (Valley of Five Polish Ponds)